Registration is Monday from 1pm to 4pm. All campers must be present. Camp week ends Friday morning around 9:30am
- Bring 20 Registered Campers to any week and your Pastor and his Family can stay in the Swiss Village Motel absolutely FREE! OR, for Every 10 Registered Campers a Counselor comes FREE! This offer applies to the first five churches to register each week.
- To pre-register for camp you may call the camp office Monday – Friday between 8:30am and 4:30pm. Our number is 304-873-2315. A complete list of prices and registration information can be obtained by calling the camp office, requesting a brochure, or by downloading our brochure from the link above.
Games, team competition, memory verse time, morning and evening services are all part of the daily schedule.
- Youth Weeks are designed for teens between the ages of 13 and 19. The preaching is especially designed to meet the needs of today’s youth.
- Junior Weeks are designed for children between the ages of 8 and 12 or 3rd – 6th grades. The preaching is geared towards teaching juniors character through dramatized Bible stories and dramatized preaching.
- Combination Weeks are designed for churches or families to bring teens and/or juniors at the same time. Separate dorms, games and services are conducted for each age group.
- Youth Conference is our biggest week of the summer. Special music from several singing groups and an incredible lineup of preachers make this week extra special. The climax of the week comes with our patriotic program and fireworks show on Thursday night.
- RV pads with full hook-ups and tent sites available
- Camp dormitories available for a family discounted rate
- Swiss Village Family Quarters will fill quickly. For rates and specific financial information for this retreat, please contact our office at 304.873.2315.
- The standards we have are Biblically based and will be upheld by all campers and visitors. Knowing these policies before you come to our campgrounds will help you decide whether we are the place for you to attend camp or to send your young people. Following these rules while at the campgrounds will help you to have a more enjoyable visit. Please read them carefully.
- Campers are not to bring alcoholic beverages, tobacco in any form, radios, tape or CD players, books or magazines, knives, guns or weapons of any kind, video games, fireworks, or pets. Shirts with questionable pictures or emblems are also not allowed. Mixed swimming IS NOT permitted.
- No medication is to be kept by the campers. All medication will be turned in at the camp office upon arrival.
- No physical contact allowed between male and female campers. Any camper failing to comply by camp rules will be sent home at the individual’s or church’s expense.
- Ladies are required to wear modest skirts, dresses and “skirt-appearing” culottes. All need to be to the bottom of the knee. No slits above the knee. No skirts worn low on the hips. Modest one-piece bathing suits allowed FOR SWIMMING ONLY. No sleeveless or bare midriff tops, or sun dresses. (Modest tops and blouses only). No pants, gauchos or shorts. No body pierced jewelry on girls, except for earrings. Causal dress clothes are recommended for evening services.
- The following types of clothing ARE NOT TO BE WORN: see-through or mesh-like material shirts, sleeveless shirts, sweat pants, oversized pants worn low on the hips. Jeans or casual pants ARE allowed. Swim trunks or cutoffs (no denim) FOR SWIMMING ONLY. Causal dress clothes are recommended for the evening services. Men will not be allowed to wear earrings, necklaces, bracelets, body pierced jewelry, etc. Hair must be off the ears and collar; no dyed or carved hair styles.